ETUG Conferences

Physical editions of ETUG conferences are held every other year – and last for 2 days, with a conference dinner on the first evening of the conference and the second day concluding early enough to allow participants to fly out after the conference has finished. On the night before the start of the conference there is an informal event for participants arriving slightly earlier.

We are delighted to announced that the 2025 ETUG Conference will be held in Vienna on 24-25 September 2025.

From 2024, in the years between physical editions of the ETUG conference, we are holding a series of bite-sized online events, with shorter events across the year rather than a single online event. With this format, we also try to ensure a healthy mix of member/participant presentations as well as by RWS staff.  

The 2023 ETUG conference took place in Vienna on 27-28 September 2023.

During the pandemic, virtual editions of ETUG were held and lasted for two half-days.

Who attends ETUG?

ETUG is attended by translators and language technologists of corporate language units using various products from RWS stable of translation productivity products. From RWS’ side, senior Product Managers attend and present, including giving a look at the forthcoming Trados roadmap. Presentations by guest speakers from member institutions typically focus on specific aspects of usage of the full pallet of RWS Trados products. There is frequenly an angle about how Trados is used and “abused” i.e. non-standard uses of its products, uses of plug-ins and integration of third party software solutions.

ETUG has kept apace of the advances in machine translation. It has tracked the move from statistical machine translation through to neural machine translation, migration from on-site technologies through to remote server- and cloud-based solutions. Now it is following the use of AI in conjunction with Trados. In addition, ETUG also looks at the integration of non-RWS solutions into workflows. Strands of the conference typically address specific solutions using Trados family products, terminology, translation productivity and quality assurance.

Translators and language technologists from a range of sectors attend. Past presenters and participants at recent editions of ETUG have come from the automotive, manufacturing, software, air traffic control, technical documentation, and telecommunications industries, bespoke language consultancy companies and large translation agencies, as well as from public administration and international organisations, financial services, central banks and financial market supervision.

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